Dr Chandra Salgado-Kent PhD, Msc, BS
Chandra is a GIROUD Illuminator and leading expert on marine mammals. She studies whales, sea-lions and fur seals and consults on local and international scientific panels for marine mammal conservation.
The Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea) is one of five sea lion species in the world and is only found in Western and Southern Australia. They have small breeding colonies which makes them one of the rarest Sea Lion species in the world and their numbers are declining.
Our project is working to protect the sealions and understand why their numbers are declining so we actively work to save these beautiful creatures.
Dr Salgado-Kent hopes this joint initiative will provide people with the opportunity to help endangered species in a functional way, wearing the clothing which in turn highlights to others the project and its importance. “Oceans Blueprint is focused on undertaking vital research that will involve and engage the community, giving us all the opportunity to contribute to these important initiatives and help save these beautiful creatures from further decline.”
Dr Salgado-Kent has dedicated her work to marine mammal research and conservation over the last 20 years, her areas of expertise includes habitat modelling of marine mammals, population assessment, and the impacts of man-made noise on marine mammals.
To follow and learn more about Chandra visit instagram @oceansblueprint